Thursday, May 30, 2013

Top Five Things I Didn’t Know About Being Pregnant

1. Eventually, even your maternity shirts will no longer fit you. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I didn’t purchase a lot of maternity wear because I knew that I would be able to incorporate some of my oversized clothes I had pre-pregnancy into my pregnancy wardrobe. However, I did buy a couple of long sleeved maternity shirts and they have served as my trusty go-to staples.  What I didn’t realize when I bought them is that they would eventually be too small for my big belly.  I’m a couple weeks before my due date and I find the skin above my waist line exposed when I wear them. I’ve pretty much given up being modest about showing a bit of belly in public.

2. You will not be one of those model/actress types that barely looks pregnant. Before I was pregnant I thought I would look like Giselle or Claire Danes who were perfectly toned with exception of their baby bump. However, I learned that everyone’s body reacts to pregnancy differently. I’m small boned and was a runner before my pregnancy and now my body has grown in ways that I didn’t expect. One of the positive aspects of my pregnancy is the visit from the boob fairy.  Hello, new boobs!  If you freak out about being too big during your pregnancy, just reassure yourself that the baby weight is important for a healthy baby and you will be able to work out and eat healthier once the little one is born.

3.  Everything will make you cry. I can’t watch anything now without tearing up a bit especially if it has to do with childbirth, animals or babies.  I find myself starting to watch shows and immediately turning them off because it becomes like an emotional rollercoaster.  For example, I tried watching Call The Midwife on PBS which is about childbirth in East London during the 50’s and although it was beautifully shot and really interesting, I just couldn’t get through an episode without crying hysterically. Forget looking any YouTube clips about baby’s first bath, dog rescues or doing something mundane like folding my baby’s clothes, it all leads to Niagara Falls.

4. Sciatica sucks. This has been the bane of my pregnancy. The sciatic nerve extends from the lower back down the back of each leg. When you’re pregnant, this nerve becomes irritated from pressure from the uterus or baby and the pain is almost debilitating. My husband has been my hero throughout this process in more ways than one. I am forever grateful for him helping me walk at times and massaging my lower back and hips because it has been so painful. I find that doing stretches like pigeon or butterfly after you workout and before you go to bed helps relieve some of the tension.

5. Strangers will want to talk to you about being pregnant. Being from New York, I am still getting used to the idea of talking to strangers here in California when they greet me with a “hello” or “how are you?” I have to resist the urge to give them hesitant side eye scowls and instead try to be more welcoming. Now that I am pregnant people want to know the details asking questions like, “How far along?”, “boy or girl?” or simply say “congratulations!” or my favorite “blessings!” I think these remarks are really endearing and it’s nice to share your excitement about your baby!

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